13421 Zip Code Profile

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Welcome to ONEIDA, NY 13421

13421 is a suburban zip code in Oneida, New York. The population is primarily white, and mostly married couples. At $107,200 the average home value here is a bit higher than average for the Syracuse metro area, so this probably isn't the place to look for housing bargains.

The average family income here is $58,474/year. This is less than the national average of $70,000/year. However, the national average number is a little misleading because there are some very wealthy Americans earning $50 million a year or more. (Wouldn't that be nice!) This pushes the national average higher than in would be without those edge cases. The median household income in the US (median, meaning half of US households make more and half make less) is at about $50,000/year. Median family income in 13421 is $45,327.

An intersting fact about income: Men in 13421 earn an average of $34,053/year. Women earn only $21,116/year.

5,865 people in 13421 have jobs. This statistic includes anyone over the age of 16.

Are you thinking about moving to a neighborhood in 13421? You might be interested to know that the average commute time to work for people living here is not bad, only 17.5 minutes.

The median age here is 41. There are 6,884 men and 7,241 women. The median age for men is 39 while for women the median age is 42.

To give you a sense of the community, 7,435 people (out of the 14,125 people live here) have lived in their home at least 5 years. The Post Office delivers mail to 5,664 homes, and 392 businesses every day. 238 people ride bikes or walk to work on a fairly regular basis.

13421 Zip code is located in the Eastern time zone at 43 degrees latitude (Fun Fact: this is the same latitude as Sofia, Bulgaria!) and -76 degrees longitude. It has an average elevation of 710 feet above sea levell.

logoNeighborhoods in Zip Code 13421

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  • Demographics

  • Total Population: 14,125
  • White Population: 13,548
  • Black Population: 232
  • Hispanic Population: 186
  • Asian Population: 144
  • Hawaiian Population: 9
  • Indian Population: 372
  • Male Population: 6,884
  • Female Population: 7,241
  • Median Age: 41
  • Median Age of Males: 39
  • Median Age of Females: 42
  • Geography

  • Region: Northeast
  • Division: Middle Atlantic
  • State: New York
  • CSA Name: Syracuse-Auburn, NY
  • CBSA Type: Metropolitan
  • CBSA Name: Syracuse NY
  • County: Madison
  • City: Oneida
  • Longitude: -75.6
  • Latitude: 43.1
  • Elevation: 711 feet above sea levele
  • Area code: 315
  • Marital Status

  • Average Age

  • The Commute to Work

  • Total commuters: 5,744
  • Drive alone: 4,712
  • Carpool: 671
  • Public transit: 68
  • Ride bikes or walk: 238

  • Average commute time: 17.5 minutes.
  •    0 - 5: 565
  •    5 - 9: 1,403
  •    10 - 14: 1,206
  •    15 - 19: 566
  •    20 - 24: 394
  •    25 - 29: 170
  •    30 - 34: 446
  •    35 - 39: 259
  •    40 - 44: 274
  •    45 - 59: 317
  •    60 - 89: 110
  •    90 plus: 34
  • The Economics

  • Average House Value: $107,200
  • Average Annual Household Income: $47,022
  • Businesses: 366
  • Employees: 5,257
  • Annual Payroll: $166,908,000
  • Average Family Income: $58,474
  • Median Family Income: $35,859
  • Average Income for Men: $34,053
  • Average Income for Women: $21,116
  • Other Stuff

  • County FIPS Code: 053
  • State FIPS Code: 36

Farmer's Markets in Zip Code 13421

Neighborhood Link provides free websites to thousands of farmer's markets across the US. If you notice a farmers market that isn't listed here yet, contact us and we'll set up a site right away!

Schools in 13421 Zip Code

View all schools in Oneida

Primary Schools
North Broad Street School
230 North Broad Street
Oneida, NY 13421
(315) 363-3650
Oneida Castle School
10 Castle Street
Oneida, NY 13421
(315) 363-5910
Seneca Street School
436 Seneca Street
Oneida, NY 13421
(315) 363-3930
W.F. Prior Elementary School
205 East Avenue
Oneida, NY 13421
(315) 363-2190
High Schools
Oneida Senior High School
560 Seneca Street
Oneida, NY 13421
(315) 363-6901

Photos near Zip Code 13421, Oneida, NY

Photos provided by Panoramio. Photos are under the copyright of their owners.

Sex Offender Information

For most citizens, the easiest method to obtain accurate and timely sex offender information for their local area is to visit their state sex offender registry website. States are required to provide this information for free. You do not need to pay for this information.

In the 13421 zip code, the registered sex offenders can be found at http://www.criminaljustice.state.ny.us/nsor/. Please be sure to read all the disclaimers provided by the state.

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Map of Zip Code 13421

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